/** * @typedef {import('./cart').CartData} CartData * @typedef {import('./cart').CartShippingAddress} CartShippingAddress */ /** * @typedef {Object} StoreCart * * @property {Array} cartCoupons An array of coupons applied * to the cart. * @property {Array} cartItems An array of items in the * cart. * @property {number} cartItemsCount The number of items in the * cart. * @property {number} cartItemsWeight The weight of all items in * the cart. * @property {boolean} cartNeedsPayment True when the cart will * require payment. * @property {boolean} cartNeedsShipping True when the cart will * require shipping. * @property {Array} cartItemErrors Item validation errors. * @property {Object} cartTotals Cart and line total * amounts. * @property {boolean} cartIsLoading True when cart data is * being loaded. * @property {Array} cartErrors An array of errors thrown * by the cart. * @property {CartShippingAddress} shippingAddress Shipping address for the * cart. * @property {Array} shippingRates array of selected shipping * rates. * @property {boolean} shippingRatesLoading Whether or not the * shipping rates are * being loaded. * @property {boolean} hasShippingAddress Whether or not the cart * has a shipping address yet. * @property {function(Object):any} receiveCart Dispatcher to receive * updated cart. */ /** * @typedef {Object} StoreCartCoupon * * @property {Array} appliedCoupons Collection of applied coupons from the * API. * @property {boolean} isLoading True when coupon data is being loaded. * @property {Function} applyCoupon Callback for applying a coupon by code. * @property {Function} removeCoupon Callback for removing a coupon by code. * @property {boolean} isApplyingCoupon True when a coupon is being applied. * @property {boolean} isRemovingCoupon True when a coupon is being removed. */ /** * @typedef {Object} StoreCartItemAddToCart * * @property {number} cartQuantity The quantity of the item in the * cart. * @property {boolean} addingToCart Whether the cart item is still * being added or not. * @property {boolean} cartIsLoading Whether the cart is being loaded. * @property {Function} addToCart Callback for adding a cart item. */ /** * @typedef {Object} StoreCartItemQuantity * * @property {number} quantity The quantity of the item in the * cart. * @property {boolean} isPendingDelete Whether the cart item is being * deleted or not. * @property {Function} changeQuantity Callback for changing quantity * of item in cart. * @property {Function} removeItem Callback for removing a cart item. * @property {Object} cartItemQuantityErrors An array of errors thrown by * the cart. */ /** * @typedef {Object} EmitResponseTypes * * @property {string} SUCCESS To indicate a success response. * @property {string} FAIL To indicate a failed response. * @property {string} ERROR To indicate an error response. */ /** * @typedef {Object} NoticeContexts * * @property {string} PAYMENTS Notices for the payments step. * @property {string} EXPRESS_PAYMENTS Notices for the express payments step. */ /* eslint-disable jsdoc/valid-types */ // Enum format below triggers the above rule even though VSCode interprets it fine. /** * @typedef {NoticeContexts['PAYMENTS']|NoticeContexts['EXPRESS_PAYMENTS']} NoticeContextsEnum */ /** * @typedef {Object} EmitSuccessResponse * * @property {EmitResponseTypes['SUCCESS']} type Should have the value of * EmitResponseTypes.SUCCESS. * @property {string} [redirectUrl] If the redirect url should be changed set * this. Note, this is ignored for some * emitters. * @property {Object} [meta] Additional data returned for the success * response. This varies between context * emitters. */ /** * @typedef {Object} EmitFailResponse * * @property {EmitResponseTypes['FAIL']} type Should have the value of * EmitResponseTypes.FAIL * @property {string} message A message to trigger a notice for. * @property {NoticeContextsEnum} [messageContext] What context to display any message in. * @property {Object} [meta] Additional data returned for the fail * response. This varies between context * emitters. */ /** * @typedef {Object} EmitErrorResponse * * @property {EmitResponseTypes['ERROR']} type Should have the value of * EmitResponseTypes.ERROR * @property {string} message A message to trigger a notice for. * @property {boolean} retry If false, then it means an * irrecoverable error so don't allow for * shopper to retry checkout (which may * mean either a different payment or * fixing validation errors). * @property {Object} [validationErrors] If provided, will be set as validation * errors in the validation context. * @property {NoticeContextsEnum} [messageContext] What context to display any message in. * @property {Object} [meta] Additional data returned for the fail * response. This varies between context * emitters. */ /* eslint-enable jsdoc/valid-types */ /** * @typedef {Object} EmitResponseApi * * @property {EmitResponseTypes} responseTypes An object of various response types that can * be used in returned response objects. * @property {NoticeContexts} noticeContexts An object of various notice contexts that can * be used for targeting where a notice appears. * @property {function(Object):boolean} shouldRetry Returns whether the user is allowed to retry * the payment after a failed one. * @property {function(Object):boolean} isSuccessResponse Returns whether the given response is of a * success response type. * @property {function(Object):boolean} isErrorResponse Returns whether the given response is of an * error response type. * @property {function(Object):boolean} isFailResponse Returns whether the given response is of a * fail response type. */ export {}; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ACTION_TYPES as types } from './action-types'; /** * Action creator for setting a single query-state value for a given context. * * @param {string} context Context for query state being stored. * @param {string} queryKey Key for query item. * @param {*} value The value for the query item. * * @return {Object} The action object. */ export const setQueryValue = ( context, queryKey, value ) => { return { type: types.SET_QUERY_KEY_VALUE, context, queryKey, value, }; }; /** * Action creator for setting query-state for a given context. * * @param {string} context Context for query state being stored. * @param {*} value Query state being stored for the given context. * * @return {Object} The action object. */ export const setValueForQueryContext = ( context, value ) => { return { type: types.SET_QUERY_CONTEXT_VALUE, context, value, }; };
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